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Notepad Holder

Writer's picture: Create with RNKCreate with RNK

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

Make a quick and easy notepad holder with Debbie Homer!

Supply List

(3) 14” x 10” Fabric –outside and inside of notepad holder -used 2 different ones

(1) 14” x 10” Embroidery Batting

(1) 14” x 10” No Show Mesh

(1) 8” x 13” Fabric pocket –notepad pocket

(1) 10” x 14” Fabric pocket –slant pocket

(1) 5 x 8” Fabric pocket -small business card pocket

Stitch Perfection Tape

Thread to match

Fabric Marking Pen

Instructions Notepad Holder

Place (1) 14” x 10” fabric on top of embroidery Batting and (1) 14” x 10” fabric on back of Embroidery Batting, right sides of fabric showing on both.

Using Quilters Ruler line up 45-degree angle along one edge and make a mark with a fabric marking pen.

Using the Quilters guide, set it for 1 inch from needle. Stitch first on line drawn, then using the quilters guide line it up each time along the stitching line and stitch until all is quilted.

Draw another 45-degree angle going in the opposite direction doing the same quilting all.

Place (1) 14” x 10” fabric on top of Now Show Mesh right side of Fabric showing. Mark and quilt the same as before.After all quilting is done on both pieces trim to 13 ½” x 9 ½”

Pocket for Notepad

(1) 8” x 13” fabric fold the 13” length in half right sides together, sew across one end of the 6 ½” using the width of foot, turn and poke out with turning tool, press. The sewn end of pocket is the top of pocket.

Place pocketon the right side, matching raw edges to side and bottom of one of the 13 ½” x 9 ½” inch quilted piece, (I used the thinnest one)pin into place. The sewn folded edge is the top and the fold is in the center of quilted piece.

Slant Pocket

10” x 14” fabric for slant pocket, fold in half the 14” length with wrong sides together this time!! Take one corner on the fold of pocket and place 2” down from top left side of quilted piece 9 ½” x 13 ½” bring the other corner on a slant 2 ½” down from top of notepad pocket and tuck underneath, pin flip over,cutoff excess fabric offslant pocket.

Small Pocket

5” x 8” fold in half right sides together the 8” length. Sew each end leaving bottom open, cut each corner at a diagonal and punch out with turning tool and press, press bottom raw edges up½” and press.

Remove slant pocket from quilted piece after trimming.

Place pocket onto slant pocket 1” from left side and 1” from bottom, sew down both sides and across bottom of small pocket.

Putting together Placeslant pocket back into place, be sure and put right side of slant pocket underneath notepad pocket and pin.

Sew down from top of notepad pocket close to folded edge on left side of pocket Measure over 1” from folded edge of notepad pocket on to slant pocket, sew down from top of slanted pocket to bottom, this is your pencil holder.

Place your other quilted piece 9 ½” x 13 ½” piece right sides together onto all pockets and quilted piece, pin into place, start about 4” from one side of bottom and sew all around using width of your foot, don’t forget to do a diagonal stitch at each corner.

Don’t forget to leave an opening about 5” to turn.Cut each corner at a diagonal, turn and using turning tool to punch out seams and corners. Press, and press opening edges to match. Sew all around close to edge closing opening.

Press well, stitch starting at the bottom of notepad pocket stitching and stitch all the way thru to the top, stitch starting at the bottom of slant pocket stitching and stitch to top all the way thru.

Fold in half press well.

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Anna Osborn
Anna Osborn

Outstanding video that follows the instructions. I plan on making these for Christmas presents and for ladies at our next retreat. Thank you for sharing and taking the time to produce this.


Nancy Bridgeman
Nancy Bridgeman

This is very cute, I will be making them for my co-workers for christmas this year. Thank you for the great project.

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