re you ready for another amazing #florianistateflower?! Today we celebrate the amazing state of Delaware. The peach blossom is Delaware's beautiful state flower! Follow the blog below to see what we will be learning this week!

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And of course our contest is not over yet!
Now, let's learn some fascinating facts about the fun state of Delaware!
Fun Facts About Delaware:
Buffering is something that Delawareans rarely have to worry about. The state enjoys the fastest Internet speeds in the country, with connection speeds higher than every other country observed with the exception of South Korea.
Despite being the second-smallest state, Delaware is also the 6th most densely populated state in America.
Another nickname for Delaware is the “Diamond State.” Thomas Jefferson reportedly once referred to it as a "jewel" due to its ideal location.
In Wilmington, Delaware, students once set the record for the world’s tallest LEGO tower. The tower was 113 feet tall and made from more than 500,000 LEGO bricks.
First settled by the Dutch in 1631, Lewes is the first town in the first state.
Delaware is the third most bike friendly state in the U.S.
Annie Jump Cannon, born in Dover, classified more than 225k stars! She was also the first woman to become an officer in the American Astronomical Society.
Delaware has the largest population of horseshoe crabs.
Got milk? isn't a question in Delaware, as their state beverage is milk!
The Dover National Speedway is home to a 46 foot statue of a monster holding a full sized car in it's hand, giving the speedway the nickname "Monster Mile".
We hope you love this beautiful state flower and enjoy continuing the Floriani State Flower journey with us! Come back next week for another amazing freebie! Happy Creating Everyone!