We have a purr-fect project for you today! Here is an adorable cat toy by Clarrisa:

· Two 1/8th yard pieces of Wool blend Felt
· Two pieces of Quilter’s Select Appli Web Plus- This stuff is amazing for Applique also!
· Digital Cutter
· Assorted Feathers about 4” long
· A couple of Jingle Bells
· 20” long, 3/4th wide dowel
· 1 ½ yard of small nylon cord- I found this in the Home Decorating Department for blinds
· Hot Glue Gun and Extra Glue
· Elmers Glue
· Large big eye yarn needle
· RNK Embroidery Perfection Tape-A MUST!
· Fray Block
Prepare Feather Bobble:
1. Cut a piece of felt about ¾”x3”.
2. Run a line of hot glue along one long edge of felt.Stick down 3-4 feather ends about ½” from ends and about every ½”.

2. Run a line of hot glue around entire edge of felt.
3. Being careful with the glue, roll up felt with feathers inside gluing everything together.
4. Create another feather bobble.
Cutout Fish or Object of your choice:
1. Yes you can cut felt with your digital cutter! I’ve included the SVG file of the fish with the instructions. If you don’t want to cutout a fish, choose a piece of artwork to cutout. Make your object about 2”x5”.
2. Fuse a piece of Quilter’s Select Appli Web Plus to the back of each piece of felt. Fuse it really well.
Here is a link for instructions and tips for using Appli Web Plus: https://quiltersselect.com/products/Select-Applique/Select-Appli-Web-Plus
3. Load the SVG file into your cutter. You will need 2 fish or whatever object you choose. One of them needs to be mirrored.
4. Make sure you have a clean mat. (baby wipes work well for cleaning) Stick the felt with the Quilter’s Select Appli Web plus on it Web side down. Tape around entire edge with RNK Embroidery Perfection Tape. Stick down really well.
5. For any digital cutter you will need to keep the following in mind when setting your settings for cutting felt:
· Use a deep cut blade with about a medium depth setting
· You will need to cut at a lower speed
· Increase the pressure on your blade.
TIP- I Love Floriani Craft n Cut software as it takes the guesswork out of cutting. Craft n Cut has a feature called “Save 2 Cut”. Select “Save 2 Cut” when saving your design and a window will come up instructing you on how to set your cutter for the type of material you are cutting and brand of cutter you are using.
These are the settings for my Digital cutter.
1. Cut out the 2 objects (one of them mirrored) and remove from mat.
2. Peel the paper away from the back of the Appli Web on each piece and place the objects web sides together. Match up edges and press the 2 pieces together. Appli Web is a permanent bond!
3. Cut out and fuse another object.
Attach Objects to Nylon cord:
1. Thread the yarn needle with the nylon cord. Poke the needle through the end of your fish or your object. Tie the cord in a knot around the fish. You may have to unthread the needle to tie the knot each time.
2. Thread a jingle bell on the cord. You don’t need to tie it.
3. Poke the needle through the felt at the top of the feather bobble. It will be hard to get through the felt and the glue so you will have to start the needle into the felt and push it by putting the eye down on a tough surface and push on both sides of the felt piece. Once you get it on tie another knot around the end.
4. Thread another fish, Jingle Bell and Feather bobble in whatever order you choose tying each one on.
5. Cut the nylon cord to the length of your choice leaving about 4 extra inches.
1. Tie a large knot about 3” from the end of the cord. Wind cord around several times when tying the knot. Leave the tail.
2. If you can, cut a notch across the end of the stick. If not, tie the cord around the end of the stick. Leave the tail of the cord. In my picture I’ve put the cord in the notch with the knot on the side of the stick and glued it into the notch with Elmers glue.
3. Cut a piece of felt about ¾”x3”. Put hot glue on entire piece of felt. With the cord tail down the side of the stick, glue felt piece to end and wrap around end gluing the knot and cord tail underneath. Trim off cord tail.
4. Place a couple of drops of Fray Block on the knots to keep them tied.